Pretty In Pink!

“J’aime pas les riches” -François Hollande

Mental Spencer

Here at cityscruff we treat everything shitty in the city so here’s a comic strip featuring some foul characters from a city near you.


Mental Spencer And His Magic Hole!

The Morning After

A typical Sunday morning in La Rochelle…

Free* Brainwash

*terms and conditions may apply

Sweet Dreams

They’ve got it easy though haven’t they, look here, sleeping like a baby this one, till 2pm too!
Jeesus, life’s not fair.




I’m Dreaming of a Shite Christmas

I was dreaming of a white Christmas here in La Rochelle but I woke up to this instead…

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Pariscruff iz Deaded?

Is pariscruff dead? I hear my hundreds of thousands of avid fans and readers cry.

The answer is no.

Paris is as fucked up as ever. Just check out the picture below if you don’t believe me!

Pariscruff is indeed deaded! Hurray I hear you cheer!
Well, not quite, just a slight change of name  (PARISCRUFF to CITYSCRUFF) which means content from all sorts of shitty cities throughout the universe.



You won’t be getting your daily dose of fruit ‘n’ veg from this dozy store owner!

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Tramp Factor

Have you got it?!

White Trash

The future of skin bleaching looks pale (if you’ll pardon the pun) since Wacko Jackos’ passing on.

– Well not according to this parisian entrepreneur

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Egg Hunting Pariscruff Style

Found them yet?


Shitting Hell

The stuff is fucking everywhere!!

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Teddy Tears

Pauvre teddy 😦

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Up Yours!

Stick it…

Tuna & Mayo


Metro = CaCa

The metro is a proper shithole.

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Le Big Mac

A hard to find fast food restaurant chain in Paris – Mc Donald’s

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Street Entertainment

Aaaah! Quel beau Spectacle!!
En avant la musique…

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Birds World

A-well-a, everybody’s heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird’s the word
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow etc…

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Trader – it’s a hard life!

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